Myths about growing older abound. A lot of people have this image of a decrepit person who is immobile and can’t see or hear very well. That stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth in most cases. Older folks all over the country are enjoying active lives into their 70s and 80s. Keep the advice from the tips below in mind, so you can enjoy all that life has to offer.
Having close relationships as you age is important. Being active in your community has been shown to increase lifespan. Seek the company of people you can relate to and who can make you laugh.
Aging can be very debilitating: There comes a time in many peoples lives when they must depend on others to take care of them because they can no longer do it themselves. When this is the case, find an assisted living facility to move into or ask your family members if they have room for you. It may not be something we want to do, yet it is much safer than living alone unable to care for ourselves. There are professionals who work at the facility who are licensed and able to give you any assistance that you may need.
Friendships are important because they help your life gain more love and energy, which are good for your emotions and are positive. Age is irrelevant when it comes to forming new friendships. Do not hesitate to introduce yourself to new people and work towards building relationships that can sustain you for life.
Going to the eye doctor becomes more important as you age. Some eyesight is lost naturally over time, but you do need to have regular checkups; this may help diagnose a disease that can influence your sight, as well as stop any further deterioration.
Surround yourself with happy cheerful people. If you’re around people who laugh and smile a lot, you will do the same. This can help you to age well and keep you feeling vibrant. Your social life should involve people who make you happy, not those who bring you down.
Stay away from harsh environments. Staying in the heat or cold for too long can do damage to your skin. These temperature extremes can lead to premature growing older or even skin cancer.
Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances are something that affect women and men as they age, and should be addressed when they occur. Hormonal imbalances can lead to medical issues like weight gain, depression and insomnia. All three of these worsen the negative effects of getting older. If you find yourself suffering from any of these symptoms, please see a doctor in order to find the best treatment to balance out your hormones, so the growing older process is a much more pleasant experience.
Eat good! Have balance in your diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, while avoiding foods that are high in fat and sugars. A well-balanced, healthy diet improves the body as well as the mind. Your health depends on the fuels you put in your tank, so give your body high-test fuel.
Replacing red meat with more fish is an easy way to improve the health of your heart. It has been shown that meat products can stick to the lining of the arteries, and this can contribute to you having heart disease, along with other health problems. Plaque build-up is one of the leading causes to both heart attacks and strokes. Fish oil helps to remove the cholesterol from your body, which lowers your risk of developing these issues.
Don’t forget to drink enough water. People who are over the hill lose water faster, so top up your water supply by drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day.
Blood Pressure
Have your blood pressure screened often. Your body may give you no warning that your blood pressure is high. As you age, your cardiovascular system will unfortunately start to deteriorate, and closely monitoring your blood pressure becomes even more important. This way, when there’s a problem, you’ll be able to address it in a timely manner.
If you are a smoker, you should stop as soon as possible in order to stay looking youthful and healthy. Smoking makes you less attractive by making the lips thinner and accelerating the formation of wrinkles. In addition, smoking can make you age faster and shorten your life.
Have a list of which medications you take. This will be very helpful if you tend to get medications from more than one pharmacy, and are taking any supplements on top of those. You can use this list as a guide, in conjunction with your pharmacist, to determine which medications cause you side effects if taken together.
See your physician regularly and follow through with any tests he requests. Being proactive about your health can be beneficial to you in the long run. Early detection of disease or cancer is important. Starting treatment as early as possible gives you the best chance of a good outcome.
Laugh all the time. Being happy and frequently laughing will make you feel and look younger. Go to comedy clubs, read interesting books, and laugh with your friends. Laugh as much as you can whether it is in the company of friends or just sitting at home alone.
This can be the happiest time of your life! Use these tips to help make the rest of your life happy and healthy.